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HM Revenue & Customs Future

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HMRC is striving forward with improvements to on-line services for Agents, Individuals and SMEs...


We have seen many people in HMRC doing a thoroughly professional accurate job - and that is usually the case. We are all human and mistakes can be made on all sides - what is crucial is how they are resolved, how compassionately and professionally they are corrected and to what extent they are ensuring a good outcome for the economic well being of not just the UK economy - but also for those critically important individuals, sole traders and SMEs that are ensuring the long term viability of the UK. Image: © SnowdenFine / HM Revenue & Customs 1995-2001.

We will not berate the HMRC Service or its Civil Servants nor Executive(s); We will though be pleased to help and support you achieving the right outcome for our society and that is that you only pay the relevant taxes and if appropriate interest and penalties that are due and fair.

We are sympathetic to the huge changes to working practice within HMRC and its migration to on-line and cross departmental tools. With these are extensive changes to both locally and remote office case handling - plus changes to staffing.

We are also mindful of the political needs to create jobs, retain jobs, encourage corporates down to little sole trading businesses to underpin the economy and its recovery and growth [and pay due taxes]. Plus the importance of deliberately nailing those Corporates down to individuals deliberately evading/fraudulently avoiding tax. We aim to ensure you pay the tax that is due along with any interest and fair penalties - set alongside business growth and long term viability - hence UK prosperity.

What is a fantastic transformation occurring within the HMRC are the introduction of these on-line tools and the access to your tax records and 'tax' accounts - even payroll is now on-line and company returns even link up to Companies House... Plus much better tools for SMEs and Sole Traders from HMRC and approved software houses to help with electronic filing of all returns etc...

Agent help lines are usually incredibly good and are a much swifter way to resolving a tax query. Every few months more and more functionality and better tools become available and make resolving and fulfilling your tax affairs easier and more accurate. 

It is a principle that we will check base records {eg Invoices, Reciept, Bank Accounts, Asset lists etc} and ensure you are properly accounting for your work or services and demonstrate or enquire about any missing information that doesn't make sense. At the end of our work will be statutory returns, accounts and filings - these are your records and always will be. We will always make sure you agree and sign for such without exception.

Feel free to
contact us if we can help;

However as our other pages make clear if you want to evade tax or 'cook your books' then we will not work with you - instead we will work with the Police and other agencies to ensure you are are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.